Telephone: (518) 993 4983

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Texel Sheep Breeders Society Home 

Since adding Texels to our breeding program, we have been pleased with weight gains, carcass grades, parasite resistance and overall hardiness in grass-fed lamb production. The Texel breed provides excellent terminal sires.  In 2012 we began production of purebred Texels to assure continued high quality lamb crops. 

Our purebred Texel flock is bred to lamb in March and April in keeping with our grass fed flock management program.  We select lambs based on length, width, calm and friendly personality and thin heads to promote ease of lambing.  We expect ewes to have a feminine look and both rams and ewes to have large, muscular hind ends.

 Texel Rams For Sale

We usually have a number of rams available for sale.  Please give us a call and let us know your needs.


 Texel EwesFor Sale

We can help you make a small starter flock.  Please give us a call and let us know your needs.

The photo below shows a 2017 ewe lamb at four months.

More photos and animal specific data for vaccinations, de-worming, and scrapie susceptibility testing are available.


We breed Texels and use Texel rams as as our terminal sires for our whole flock. If you are interested in buying breeding stock please call us.

 We are members of the Texel Sheep Breeders Society

Black Welsh Mountain Sheep

We breed Black Welsh Mountain sheep to support the breed and to use for solar grazing.

We are members of the American Black Welsh Mountain Sheep Association